Using Dex White Pages to find lost people
![Dex White Pages](
One of the best free online public records with the open directory is the Dex White pages. It has a list of names, phone numbers, addresses of many people who waived their rights and have their information published in public records. Dex free online directory is one of the oldest and most respected public directories company. Before the worldwide web, Dex White Pages had a paper publication that they deliver to almost every home. When the internet revolution approach, they fell behind. While many new online directories started to appear online like Free BeenVerified, Dex Online Directories, at that time, are still clinging on to a paper publication.
The world moves into the information age.
But as the number of subscribers slowly dwindle, they find themselves needing to change the business practice. Finally, they started their free online services. It is not easy, the transition to online has many competitors but what helps them is their pedigree. They have valuable infrastructure that they can build on and expand into the digital information age.
Now Dex Knows White pages offer a free people search, with their online public directory. Their ad sponsor website might be a little advertisement heavy but the free services make it a great option for the casual detective. Searching for people has never been easier. The site offers much useful information about people and businesses.
Its pages lead the public directory sector in many important categories, their long history with paper publication gives them a unique edge over their competitors. But because of their slow entrance into the digital age, many competitors are able to take some of their market shares. Even though the overall market has increased exponentially, their percentage is still smaller. Still, Online White Pages Still have a bright and profitable future with their brand. Their name alone eco public directories and with their history of printing public people and business directories in the phone book will ensure they have a bright future.
The history of Dex White Pages – Dex Knows!
In the early 1980s to late 2010 the phrase “Dex Knows” was quite common. Dex company spend millions on advertisements branding Dex into the consciousness of the American public. The catchphrase they branded was Dex Knows. Which is equivalent to today’s “Hey Siri” or “OK Google”. Phrase focuses on the information, telling the public that Dex has all the general information. To be honest, at the time it did. There were only a few companies in the public data information forum. A monopoly of information constraint to a few handfuls of companies. Dex Phone Book Company was one of these companies.
With its paper phone book in every house, Dex company was at the top in public directory information. It could charge a premium for advertising in its book and even charge a fee for businesses to be listed in their phone book. Even though the phone book advertisement and business fees made up the majority of income for Dex, it was the white pages that people use most.
Using the White Pages to search for people
In order to get the information for the white pages, Dex White Pages needed three pieces of information. 1) First and Last name of the person, 2) the Street address, and 3) their phone number. All are available to anyone who had a land phone line at the time. All Dex had to do was to work with the phone companies, and at the time there were only a few, and buy the information from the phone companies each year. The data was easy to compile because of the phone company database, which they were willing to sell to companies willing to pay.
Each city had its own white pages, and this made it difficult for public information companies. Instead of making just one book they had to make a book for each city. Or in the case of the small cities, they can group together into one phone book. This had many advantages. For one, they could offer local businesses to advertise locally in the book. Two, the book can be smaller, lighter, and easy to deliver. And final, three, they can have different front-page ads. Which demand premium fees for the advertisement slot.
But Dex White Pages city phone books had one big disadvantage. If people want to search for someone not in their city they didn’t have access to the other city’s phone books. To overcome this, Dex distributed their phone books of the biggest cities to the public library. At the time if anyone wants to search for someone outside of their city, they could order an additional phonebook from Dex. Or, in most people’s cases, they had to go to their local library. And hope their public library had the phone book they were looking for.
The end of the paper phone book
The information age creeping in Dex White Pages didn’t realize people were moving to online public directories. While companies like Yahoo, Google, Microsoft MSN, and Ask started to develop, dex didn’t get ahead of the technology. Instead, they focus on their business model of paper phone books. Not realizing their business model was become obsolete they forge forward with their phone book business model. Meanwhile, the big internet companies with the help of the public were creating a non-centralized public directory. Which include self-managing public business directories, online classified, online encyclopedias, and social media. And in the internet search engine to index world wide web. Even though Dex Whites Pages is still around it is a fraction of what it was before the information technology era.