Free white pages offer information on people’s names, phone numbers, and addresses. Simply go online at white pages websites and search for the person’s first and last name and the state. White Page Directory does not offer more advanced features like reverse phone numbers or search by address. But for a simple name search, it offers great value for a free public directory website.
Finding people with Free White Pages websites.
The white page phone directory came with the original phone book. In the early days of the public directory, companies bought information from the major phone companies and packaged it into a phone book. To offset the cost they would have a yellow page. A section where businesses can pay a small fee and have their business listed. And there were many places in the paper phone book where they can charge a significant amount for advertisement fees. The lower end of the fee business can have half a page to a full page in the yellow pages section to advertise their businesses. For a higher fee, there were thick pages that stood out from the rest of the book. These pages commanded more money. The most expensive advertisement space of the phone book was the front and back cover. The business paid a premium for this space. To be on the phonebook cover or back cover means millions of people would see the advertisement. Every time when people search their phone book for a phone number or address means people will see the advertisement.
How to find people online.
There are many options for finding people online. People’s first options should be using online Dex Knows White Pages. Simply search for the person’s first and last name and what state he or she resides in. If there is no result try a different state. If the search still fails, try using social media search. It might be the best free option.