Protect by verifying with Protectify free Beenverified account with the e-verify network. All public records are the same, and the companies that provide access to public records all have the same data. Since they have the same data people have to ask themselves why the prices vary so greatly.
Protectify provide free public information
BeenVerified offers a free been verified account. But the accounts are only limited to two weeks free trials. BeenVerified data restriction use is overly excessive. They ban their data from being used for Employment Screening, Hiring of Household Worker, Tenant Screening, Educational Qualification, or to determine Credit or Insurance eligibility. They prefer the users to use their data for casual matters, like dating, finding lost loved ones, and verifying roommates. Their restriction is meant to protect them from legal suites. But it doesn’t prevent any of their users from using the data to do any of the banned activities.
But other companies like E-verify have more relaxed data usage policies. Similar to Free BeenVerified, they also off Free Background checks and have the same database and they are in the Dex White Pages. Everify also resells their data to many other private-public records companies like a free background check. E-verify has a bigger network when taken into consideration all its affiliates and users. They manage to get a good share of the public records market, and their price is less than the Been Verified.
When choosing public record providers like free international people search, people have to consider the price as a major factor because all the public records are the same. And since there are so many affiliates many of their networks are the same. Many times people can get a better deal buying from the affiliates because they get a huge discount which they can pass to the consumers. People should not be afraid to buy from public records affiliates because of the use of the same network.